Pinterest brings out the crafty side of BHS

BHS students and staff find Pinterest interesting and different compared to other social media.

Pinterest brings out the crafty side of BHS

Gabby Hamm, Staff Writer

Pins, boards, and so much more; Pinterest is a place where pinners can explore.

With a staff of over 500 people, ten different locations worldwide, and over 30 different languages, Pinterest has become a popular website for teens and adults at Biddeford High School and in the community.

Pinterest is a visual-picture-driven collection, where creating boards, following fellow pinners, commenting on others ideas, or just scrolling through news feeds make Pinterest different from other sites. The ability to add clothing items from shopping sites, search for recipes, and find DIY (do it yourself) projects are all reasons people like sophomore Haley Champagne have Pinterest.

“I have boards on things that I want, things that I want to do, outfit ideas, hair ideas, and recipes like garlic cheese bombs (which are little balls of bread stuffed with cheese that you can fry), ” Champagne said.

Senior Vanessa Laroche considers herself addicted to Pinterest after being a member of the website for three years and scrolls through the site at least once a day.

“For homecoming committee last year [2014], we had to create one to share ideas and it just exploded from there.” Laroche said.

Similar to Laroche,  2016 class advisor Patty Woodbury, uses Pinterest constantly when she needs to find creative ways to decorate for special events.

“When the Junior class was planning the Homecoming Dance [in 2014], we looked at ideas,” Woodbury said.

Woodbury uses Pinterest as a tool to find different food recipes for her family and also as a place to find decorations for family events.

“Reese [Woodbury’s son] has a board that’s all desserts,” Woodbury said.  “My sister and brother were recently married and I wanted ideas for decorations for the rehearsal dinner, engagement parties, and the wedding.”

Pinterest is a reliable resource for finding ideas for meals and appetizers according to teacher Caitlin Albert.

“I’m not too obsessed,” said Albert. “It’s definitely a good go-to if I need to find a meal to make for dinner or if I’m going to like a party and they ask me to bring like an appetizer.”

For Woodbury, Pinterest is not quite an obsession, but it is a great tool when needed for upcoming events.

“I go on Pinterest a few times a month unless there’s a big event coming.  Around Thanksgiving time I was looking at decorations for Christmas,”  said Woodbury.  “For my sisters and brothers, events I would go on a few times a day.  I also planned a surprise 40th Anniversary party for my parents using ideas I saw on Pinterest.”

Junior Cassie Riley got Pinterest her freshman year to look find Christmas decorations and fell in love with all the different options the site had to offer.

“It gives you so many ideas that you’ll never use,” said Riley. “My level of laziness and dedication is nothing, so I don’t do any of it [projects], but I like the tattoos and I use it for homecoming ideas, but that’s really as far as I’ll use it.”

According to the website Sprout social,  only about one third of Pinterest users are males. Sophomore Zach Reali is one of many males who are on social media, and do not have or know about Pinterest.

“If my friends were on it, than I would go on [to Pinterest] to see what they liked [on their pins/boards],” Reali said.

Riley searched Pinterest for a number of things including room decor that she found useful.

“I got a tapestry and [I found that] they [Pinterest]  had a specific way of hanging it, and I hung it like that last night,” Riley said.

Champagne has been on Pinterest for about a year now and uses it at least once or twice per day due to the many aspects Pinterest incorporates in their site.

“I would give it a 10/10 rating because I absolutely love it,” said Champagne. “You can find everything on there like recipes, clothing outfit ideas. I use it all the time.”

According to Champagne, her mother’s obsession with the site has made a positive impact on her family’s eating habits.

“It hasn’t really affected my life other than the fact that it made my mom a better chef [now that she has found better recipes to make],” Champagne said.

Recipes on Pinterest are either a fail or a success for some people on the site, and for Riley, her cake in a mug could’ve turned out better.

“You know those mug cake things,” said Riley. “Well I tried to do that, and it came out all not cooked, so don’t do it, or you’ll die of salmonella.”

Not only does Pinterest have recipes, hair ideas, make up looks, but it also has tattoos and inspiration for tattoos as well.

“Tattoos are my number one. I love them,” said Riley. “ The weirdest thing I’ve found on Pinterest was a board filled with people that have minion tattoos.”

Some rely on Pinterest to style their hair, while others seek insight for what they should wear.