The end of winter couldn’t come any slower.

What seems to be a never ending season of snow causes chaos on the streets.

Alex Chase, Staff Writer

Share the Plow Truck.

Some of my fellow classmates who also grew up on the outskirts of South Street will concur that the City of Biddeford pretty much leaves us in the dark when it comes to plowing the snow away. I understand the plow trucks cover a lot of area in the city; however, the adequate, but minimally iced roads suddenly change to the treacherous, glazed paths of Antarctica once you pass Cathedral Oaks. Now I know that may seem very exaggerated, but the death of my Ford Explorer, this past December,  can back me up on this. That’s a story for another time though.

March is the time to procrastinate cleaning my car from the muddy roads, risking my life trying to see over the massive snowbanks is not. South Street is predominantly made up of fields and horribly crafted corners that develop severe snow drifts and layers of ice. All I can ask for in life is more than one sweep of your plows and enough salt and sand to fill the obstacle course of potholes.

A teenage driver, such as myself, dreads the mornings when school declares a two-hour delay. Of course, the city’s first priority is clearing the roads around the school, (but we all know that could use some improvement as well) but yet again South Street is ignored and we are limited to 25 mph when normally 40 mph.

It’s an unspoken rule to South Street residents to cut your speed to approximately 5 mph while driving through five spots. Biddeford is a very large city that requires a lot of attention in all areas. The layout of South Street however should be taken into consideration and receive the same immediate attention as downtown. I got into a serious car accident because the roads were glazed with ice and the sand trucks remained on the opposite side of town.

Could it be that the city workers are scared themselves to endure South Street? Or do they genuinely enjoy knowing that we drive in the middle of the road hoping we don’t bust through the guardrail into the Black River?

Maybe, the development of homes and the increased residential living has been overlooked and the area is still viewed as country living with working hay fields and daily commuting travel isn’t a necessity.

For all of you who find this completely unrelatable, trust me you live on the spoiled side of town. Thanks Biddeford, yes we exist out here too.