The Roar

Humans of BHS

Humans of BHS

Asha Tompkins, Staff Writer Jun 13, 2017

"When I dance, read and when I'm with my family and friends--that's when I am the happiest," Iramkumta said.

Humans of BHS

Humans of BHS

Asha Tompkins, Staff Writer Jun 13, 2017

"Some people get a job and a lot of them are unhappy," said Redmond.  "So, my advice [to kids pursuing careers that they are unsure of] is don't be afraid to try a few things. If you find something you...

Humans of BHS

Humans of BHS

Asha Tompkins, Staff Writer Jun 13, 2017

"[What inspires me to be a teacher] is the relationships that teachers have with the kids," said Laroche. "Especially the kids with anxiety, I want to be able to help them get through [it].

Humans Of BHS

Humans Of BHS

Conlon Kane, Staff Writer May 25, 2017

“My favorite place to go is to the beach because it's a very calming and relaxing environment where you can enjoy the scenery and take a walk or even just sit back and watch the waves.”

Humans Of BHS

Humans Of BHS

Conlon Kane, Staff Writer May 25, 2017

“My favorite thing to do is play kendama.”

Humans Of BHS

Humans Of BHS

Conlon KaneC, Staff Writer May 25, 2017

“I’m special because of my clothing style.  I wear overalls and would rock a RompHim if I had the chance.”

Humans Of BHS

Humans Of BHS

Conlon Kane, Staff Writer May 25, 2017

“[I like to] play football because it is a great way to make friends and it is a great feeling to win as a team”

Humans of BHS

Alex Chase, Staff Writer May 24, 2017

"I aspire to be someone in the medical field helping others get better and progress," said Matteau. "If I could change anything about me it would be to be mentally stronger and able to forget about things...

Humans of BHS

Humans of BHS

Alex Chase, Staff Writer May 23, 2017

"The first time I took my ASVAB I failed," said Martinez. "I studied harder, worked on my weak points and took it a couple weeks later and passed."Being surrounded by positive people that care about me...

Humans of BHS

Humans of BHS

Alex Chase, Staff Writer May 23, 2017

"I hangout with friends, [after school]" said Hilsinger. "I want to be a heart surgeon because I love Christina Yang, and I've always enjoyed math."Being an adult [scares me] because of all the responsibilities."

Humans of BHS

Humans of BHS

Alex Chase, Staff Writer May 23, 2017

"I really want to be a photographer," said Thomes. "My friends and my family, [make me happy] It's having people around that make you happy." "My mom, [is my role model] with everything that has gone on...

Humans of BHS

Humans of BHS

Alex Chase, Staff Writer May 23, 2017

"I play with my kids [when I'm not in school]," said Chaponis. "I think the biggest struggle is trying to find time to spend with each of them individually." "I would say my middle school english teacher...

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Humans of BHS